As 2019 is coming to a close, you might be thinking about the resolutions you can set for 2020. Many of us create resolutions around work, our social life, or our physical health. At bkty®, we would like to challenge you to take a more inward-looking approach when it comes to resolutions and instead create monthly intentions, beginning with the first three months of the year! So instead of creating resolutions that most of us dump or forget about within the first few weeks of the year (and criticize ourselves for doing so), consider treating yourself with more kindness, as detailed below.
Celebrate Your Accomplishments
We happily and instinctively celebrate the successes of our friends and family, but oftentimes, we find ourselves brushing aside our own accomplishments – even when they are worthy of being celebrated! Acknowledge the accomplishments you make throughout the year, and find ways to celebrate yourself. Start today! Make a list of your accomplishments over the past twelve months, then celebrate in a way that speaks to you, whether that’s treating yourself to a relaxing evening watching a movie, making your favorite treat, or soaking everything in while you honor your space in this amazing thing called life! Making an intention to celebrate yourself and others for the “little” (and big) things is a great way to show kindness and attention to life where it happens, right here in the every day.
Begin a Calming Daily Practice
Stress – everyone has it! It creeps up on us unexpectedly sometimes and we don’t always have the tools to cope adequately. In an effort to keep yourself calm and collected in the new year, test out some stress-reducing practices that you can turn to when life gets crazy. Not sure where to start? A few practices you could try out include meditation, journaling, breathing exercises, going on walks, or yoga. Think of how different you might be just a few weeks from now if you choose to create an intention for a calming daily practice! Don’t wait for the stressful event to hit to begin your practice.
Just Say “No”
Are you guilty of saying “yes” to plans or other commitments...even when you know you don’t want to, only to find yourself stressing out over it later? Sometimes it feels easier to just agree to plans, rather than having to say “no” and potentially upset someone. If you’ve fallen into the habit of saying “yes” constantly, give yourself permission to listen to your inner-self and say “no." We often feel that saying “no” is rude, but it’s a great way to guard ourselves when we are already feeling stretched. When asked to commit to an event, take inventory of how you feel, and if it isn’t a resounding “yes,” feel free to say no, not today, maybe next time, etc. Those who care about your wellbeing will understand, and you’ll feel much better having done what is best for you.
Add More Fruits and Veggies to Your Diet
A big part of being kind to yourself is treating your body to the nutrients it needs. Create a monthly (weekly or maybe just daily) intention to add more fruits and vegetables into your meals. You can try out the 1-2-3 approach, where you have 1 serving with breakfast, 2 servings with lunch, and 3 servings with dinner. This might seem cumbersome, but allow yourself to have fun with it. Maybe you can explore some new vegetable-packed dinner recipes, or buy some unique fruits that you’ve never tried before. You might be surprised by just how easy it is to increase your fruits and vegetable intake – and you’ll probably feel healthier, too!
Ask for Help When You Need It
Building on the tips listed above, it can be uncomfortable to ask others for help – even when we really need it. When you find yourself in those moments where you could really use a helping hand, give yourself permission to get the support you need. Think of a time when a friend asked for your help – you were probably glad to lend a hand, right? Remember that next time you need help, and allow yourself to speak your needs. Part of living intentionally can be asking for help and allowing our lives to be more authentic as a result of doing so.
Empower Yourself with Affirmations
We all need a boost of confidence every once in a while. Affirmations allow you to continuously empower yourself as you move throughout your year and will keep you grounded, motivated, and positive. In 2020, purchase and use some of our bkty cards to make positive affirmations a part of your self-compassion routine and calming daily practice (see above). Our cards can be kept on your mirror, by your closet, or even your workspace to give yourself that extra daily boost!
Make Movement a Priority
Good physical health is obviously important, and one of the ways you can be kind to yourself is by staying active to keep in shape. Taking care of yourself can be an intention you live with every day and fulfilling that intention can be done in a variety of ways! This isn’t about shedding pounds – it is about feeling your physical best! Find physical activities that are fun for you so that you’ll stay motivated to keep going. Try new workout classes, head to the park with your kids to kick around a soccer ball, or even find some online fitness programs that you can do at home.
Many of us find ourselves mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or binging on a television show, not realizing just how much of our time is being spent. While spending some time in front of a screen isn’t always a bad thing, some of us need some guidelines that prevent us from wasting our day away. Give yourself the chance to explore other hobbies or get tasks done by setting no-screen time for yourself. Maybe you can’t check your phone after 8:00 p.m. each night, or electronics are strictly off-limits on a certain day of the week. Do what works best for your lifestyle, and see what you can do with that extra time! Tip: If you are guilty of spending too much time on Instagram, use the in-app feature that gives you an alert when you’ve spent a specific amount of time on the app. It’ll help you get more realistic about how much time you are spending online. The benefits of this intention will greatly outweigh any inconvenience you think it will create. By unplugging, you find the opportunity to tune out while tuning in and reconnecting with yourself. Win, win!
Set an Intention to Create “Me Time” Each Week
A recharging self-care practice is one of the ultimate ways to be kind to yourself. Whether you are a student or a working professional, it is vital that you prioritize self-care to keep yourself balanced and mentally well. Your version of “me time” doesn’t have to be time-consuming or elaborate. It might just be giving yourself time to read a chapter of your book every night, or going to an awesome fitness class every Thursday. Learn about "white space" and consider creating some white space into your schedule regularly.
Find Ways to Challenge Yourself
Being kind to yourself isn’t all about comfort. Self-kindness also embraces discomfort and pushes past your boundaries. While self-compassion and self-care are important for our physical and mental health, challenging ourselves is what helps us grow. After all, you’ve probably heard the saying, “growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Try out a new hobby that scares you. Pick up the phone and actually talk to a friend, rather than just texting. Stand up to an injustice at work. Make part of your 2020 intentions revolve around personal growth.
If you want to continue practices of self-compassion and self-care through 2020 and beyond, check out our bkty philosophy, shop our card collections, or follow us on Instagram for more reminders, tips, insights, and inspiration!